Soak Pit Design | How it Works | Design Life Time

soak pit design

Read the Blog to Know about the Soak pit Design that you can install in the House. The purpose of the Soak pit design is to prevent dirty water/grey water/effulent to accumulating near the house.

This is built to To keep your environment clean, prevent mosquitoes breeding and to stop the spreading of diseases. 


Even if you have seen many soak pits, they are blocked after some years. The problem is in the design. The absorption capacity of the soak pit gets lower. So today we’ll give you the best designs which will ensure the long-lasting of the soak pit.

Important Things Before Design A soak Pit

Soak pit
Building a circle septic soak pit for domestic wastewater or for private home.

“With modernisation, people feel that the necessity of installing soakpit. 

Even the government has started Campaign for 1 million soak pits in 100 days under The “Jal Shakti Ministry”.

Launching this campaign manage grey water and prevent the clogging of water bodies.

The central minister invited States to take part and asked to develop their own targets.

Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) suggest The household or community to build pit that would be the simplest solution for waste water management in rural or urban areas. 

The government is taking steps to construct a household soak pit by giving subsidiary for about ₹3000-5000 through SBM funds and MGNREGA funds to the BPL family. 

These little things are very important for you to know. So, we are providing you here the full blog to know about the soak pit. After reading this, you will guide the laborer to design the best septic tank with long-lasting. Pay attention before making a soak pit. 

What is a soak pit

Circular soak pit design
House soak pit from red bricks. Sewer pipe Joins soak pit with a pipe on construction site.

It is also known as a seepage pit.

Where there is no arrangement for drainage, soak pits are made. It soaks the water and send it inside the ground. Where there is a drainage pipe, there is no need.

But it should be a little away from the septic tank and should also be away from the foundation of the house. You can clearly see this in the Picture Below. 


soak pit design

You can construct according to your available space or according to the number of people. In the middle, the Tower size should be 2 feet By 2 Feet.  The intake of the Water should be in the tower.

But the better way is- The pit that is visible inside should be the outlet and 10-inch brickwork, there would have been a chamber next to it, that would have been an inlet in it. All the water gets accumulated in the middle of the tower and water can come out anytime, the smell will also be negligible.

In many part, As the household water takes soil water and that turns into moss (Kaai) which surrounds the bricks and the absorption capacity of the bricks deteriorates.

Septic Tank and Soak Pit Design

soak pit and septic tank design

Many people prefer to construct a soak pit adjacent to the soak pit. but there are norms. A distance of at least 3 to 5 ft should be maintained from any type of construction surrounding the soak pit.

Due to this, the nearby structure remains safe from the salty effect, the second advantage of this distance is that the soak pit can easily underground its liquid garbage.

If a septic tank has to be built very deep, from 12 feet below the floor level, the best option for manholes (where that’s unapproachable) During the rainy season, there is also a chance to inflow a groundwater table. 

 You can connect the soak pit to the open drainage by making underground sewerage from the pipeline. 

Want to Know about the Homemade septic Tank Design?

Read- Homemade septic Tank Design!

Soak Pit Size

Size should be as per requirement. According to the IS CODE 2470 Part-2 1985, Soak pits could be constructed of any size. it is also possible to built for both sewage/domestic water. 

Brick Wall Soak Pit- Brick wall soak pits are square or round-shaped septic tanks. Many people prefer a rectangular type of soak pit which provides a larger surface area to seepage the water through the soak pit with the honeycomb walls. Honeycomb brickwork is used on the walls. 

Circular Soak Pit- The diameter of the Circular soak pit should be a minimum of 0.9 m Diameter.  you can prefer the 10 ft height or 1.5 ft diameter circular soak pit.

If the entire area has been made a home and there is no space left, You can construct a soak pit inside the house area. For that, a proper plan has been in hand before the foundation. 

Pre- Cast Soak Pit

From the name, it could be known that the Pre-Cast Soak pit is made from concrete materials. First, dig a Pit left 2 ft extra the size of the Precast tank. The rings are put under the pit. In the vertical position, there are holes in between the rings and on the top cover, there is a hole for the Inlet of wastewater.

PVC Pipe is connected from the House to this tank through which the wastewater is released. Outside the tank 2 feet, a filtration bed is laid which includes Bricks, and stones. These materials help in filtering the wastewater and sending it to the Precast soak pit Tank. 

Nowadays Plastic tanks are also available in the market which you can choose as the alternative to the Concrete precast soak pit. 


Pre cast Soak pit

Soak Pit Construction

Your most doubtable question would be…

if there is a column near the soak pit, can it be the base week of the column or  How far should the sock pit be made from the column of the house?

If you have no space, the minimum distance from the soak pit to the tube well/borewell should be 3 ft. But if you have space, the distance should be 50 Ft.  

Here is the steps of Soak Pit Construction- 

Soil digging and then layout then divide the chambers and Fill the half Bricks. Soil digging must depend upon the type of soil. The percolation rate of the soil means how much time it takes to absorb the soil.

The percolation rate depends upon the soil absorption capacity. If percolation rates exceed more than 60 Minutes, then that area is not suitable for the soak pit construction. 

Cover The soak pit- cover the upside of the soak pit for protection purpose. So that there are no problems with the absorption of water.

Pillar- you can give pillars in a soak pit or not. In many cases, house owners prefer a soak pit without pillars. 

Plaster- No need to plaster the walls of the soak pit. Also, The bottom of the soak pit is not to be plastered.

 The height and Dia of the pit may differ if there is multi-storied building.



honeycomb brick work


Soak Pit Cover 


soak pit cover

Should I completely cover the soak pit or should we keep it open without cover? 

In the figure above, you can see the Soak Pit covered with the RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) Slab and left Two Square Holes in the Mideel to put bricks and for entrance. 

The other method is You can make the slab separately and place it on top of the tank.

So it’s better to cover the soak pit. And open soak pits, Dirt, and mosquitoes also thrive.

Soak Pit Life Time 

The design may be considered for the capacity of water released by the household.  and if the flow of water is more, then there is a blockage problem in it. So to refilling work such as take out all the half bricks and replace them with the new ones. 

If there is water drainage, you Should not construct soak pit. 

if it remained in use for 15-20 Years, then it became so bad that it may have spoiled the entire atmosphere with Shit spreading all over.

Also, Read-

Concrete Slab Casting- Important Checklist, Know Now, Otherwise You’ll Regret Later


Is it mandatory to construct a soak pit?

Yes, the Soak pit prevents us from the foul smell, Filth, and Mosquitos from our surrounding. That’s why it’s mandatory if there is not facility of drainage.

If your house is under the municipality area, and if there is already a sewage line to drain the waste water. No need to construct a soak pit in those areas. 

Can I discharge septic tank effluent directly into the drain?

Yes, you can but there should be available drainage made by the municipal corporation or the spacious area nearby to seepage water.  But the open drainage can create odor and disease. 




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