Step by Step House Construction

step by step house construction Process

Here in this blog, you’ll get to know How to Execute Step by Step House Construction. you’ll find step-by-step Images throughout this blog journey.

You’ll see the real picture of the House Construction Process and how to start from the footing part to the superstructure of the House construction.

We know that in the local area, there is no one to guide us to construct our beautiful house where we live for years. Even village contractors are not aware too much to give you the right decision to make your house a peaceful place.

Nowadays Residential House Construction is easy if you are aware of the construction process. After reading this, you’ll be clear about where to start your Building plan and execute them naturally without hiring a Contractor.

1. Steps for House Construction

By the following guidelines, you would not be worried about where to start the house construction. 

First You need to Think about Where should You start- Here is the Projection of how we started this House construction.

  1. Site Cleaning
  2. Temporary Water Supply or Prefer own Deep/shallow borewell
  3. Electric Supply if Possible or borrow from the neighbors
  4. Digging Footing (Either manual or JCB)
  5. The footing pillar
  6. Vendors (Steel rods, Cement Shop)
  7. Footing filler materials
  8. Leveling the foundation
  9. Plinth beam
  10. Wall Construction (Either Full Brick or Half or Partition wall), Ventilation on the Latrine room and Bathroom

Here your work is to arrange the Materials handover to the contractor and keep watching regularly. Because you bear the cost of materials.

2. Architecture Plan

You will find a specified Architecture professional designer in your hometown. Give them the Size sheet (location of the land with measurement) you own from the lander. Tell them your requirement or architecture will help you with many more ideas and examples.

You can see the detailed planning of the House and it’s Included in the Dimensions- Click the Below link to find the plan of this House that we are going to give you in detail planning.

We told the Articture the Whole Idea that we need these things in our Plan. He gave the plan and according to the Prior decision, we made a few changes in the plan and executed the House construction work.

  1. Borewell Location
  2. Bathroom
  3. Septic Tank
  4. Kitchen Rooms
  5. Pooja rooms
  6. Parking area

3. Select A Contractor

It is a little bit of hectic work to hire a Building contractor. Ask anyone in the Nearby area to know about the contractors, and meet with them. Select 3-4 and ask them their cost in square Feet from every individual contractor. it generally varies from contractor to contractor with their experience in this field. 

For this House, we have a Local contractor whose price was 80 /-Rupees Per square Foot up to the Lintel Level. 

If they would go with the construction of the Entire House,  They Measure the Roof and the cost would be 155/- Per square foot. 

Note- One thing that is important to note is that you can either select the Local contractor or from the outside. 

Local Contractor-They would be faithful and keep your construction materials safe but they took a long time as their Labour go on Holidays Frequently, skipping more days, absent of Raj Mistri.  

Outer Contractor- You can hire the Murshidabad Contractor who made the house within the timeframe but you have to bear the Higher costs. A major disadvantage is you have to keep your materials safe on your own.

4. House Construction Site

After receiving the House planning from the Articture, Watch carefully and see if there is no wrong with the plan. put every angle Like Vaastu, the location of the Kitchen, Pooja room, Stairs, or Septic tank, and also notice the Measurements. Take help from your Friend or colleagues who knew about House construction. 

 In this Blog- We have taken House construction From-

Location- (West Singhbhum) Jharkhand

Step-by-Step House Construction process


House Plan

5. Construction of Column

Here in this Project, the outer walls were already made by the contractors Earlier as for the Boundary wall.

So the Construction plan has been changed to start the work with the same column where the outer wall columns were already placed.

In the inner part of the House, start digging the footing by JCB so that it would be easy to reconnect the Other periphery columns.

Boundary Column Size- 4’X4′ square foot.

Starting from Digging 5′ X 5′ and the wire Mess attached with 6 Bars of 4@16mm and 2@12mm Used to strengthen the Column and it would be better for the double or triple building. 


House construction work


5. Construction Of  Plinth Beam

Beam Casting

The contractor did Beam casting- there were 5 To 6 laborers who were specialized in making the box structure for casting the beams connected all columns. it took 5 days to surround all the columns. then in a day, we have to cast the column using the concrete mixture.

for one day the cost of concrete mixture in rent-

  1. Renting-500 /-
  2. Diesel cost-3 to 5 Lit- 300/-
  3. Labor cost- 20 X (220 per day)= 4400/-

Beam casting part of beam casting


6. Brickwork

Step-by-Step House Construction process of this, we have used the CLASS-I and CLASS-II Bricks,

Picture showing Complete Beam-Need to cure at least 2-5 days then Brickwork till floor level.


beam complete


Brickwork up to FLOOR LEVEL in Step by Step House Construction

After Curing & hardening all the beams, The contractor started with the brickwork up to Floor Level. the outer wall was a Full brick wall and the Inner walls were half brick walls (Single Brick). Windows were of 4′ X 4′  and 3.6″X 4′. 4 Raj mistri were involved in this work 

brickwork upto floor level


7. Soil and Sand Filling

In the Step-by-Step House Construction process, arranging filling materials is one of the tasks that you have to think before. You must be ready with the filling material Before completing the Plinth Beam. 

Filling material in this Project- Foundation of the stone, Boulders, The morom (River Local Balu-20 Tractors, Each tractor Costing-11,00/-)

In layer-wise Soil, the filling along with the local sand is done using the JCB and for Spreading all over the room-4 Labours were spreading all over to fill all spaces. 


soil filling in house construction soil filling

8. Project Cost of House construction work

Before starting the House construction work, consult with a contractor and ask them roughly how much money you could keep aside to complete the Ground floor or for a one-story building. 

Here we are concluding the actual project cost till the Lintel level-

  1. Labor Cost- 3,31000/-
  2. Deep Borewell including Installing Parts- 1,20000/-
  3. Septic Tank Separately- 41,000 /-
  4. Current supply consumer+ (Service Wire, Board, Meter)-8,000 /-
  5. Materials- (Bricks, Cement, Sand, Aggregate)-7,50000/-


In this Blog, we have done the House construction up to Lintel Level. because the rainy season started and the sand price was High including the other material cost. The Upcoming blog will come with Complete House Building. So stay with this Blog Series and Gain lot more Knowledge created in Civil Engineering.

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